How to do a Skin Allergy Patch Test – Vidal Sassoon Salonist
The Vidal Sassoon Salonist is one of the newer home hair dye kits on the market and comes with a bowl, brush as well as the regular gloves. The whole marketing campaign was making the at home experience as close to a salon experience. It also has the two part system where you first apply the roots with the initial mix of hair dye, add a serum to the remainder and apply it to the rest of the hair.
The skin allergy patch test is a 2 part test where you mix equal part of the Rich Colour Cream (colourant) and Colour Activating Lotion (developer) together. Both bottles are marked 1 and the serum is 2. You do not need the serum for the patch test.
A small disclaimer – The photos used are of my arm. At the time I was taking some prescribed medication for migraines, hayfever nasal spray and over the counter antihistamines. I do get eczema, I have no tattoos, I have never smoked and I have never had any henna tattoos.
Edit:- The whole patch test took no longer than 5 minutes to do and because you rinse the dye off after 45 minutes you don’t have to worry about letting the dye dry!
The containers of the Rich Colour Cream (colourant) and Colour Activating Lotion (developer). I was using Natural Cool Brown 5/1.
First the colourant tube- undo the lid and pierce the foil seal with the pointed section on the top of the lid. I took a photo just in case.
Squeeze a small amount into a small container. The colourant is thick and a creamy yellow colour.
Pour an equal part of the developer into the small container. The developer is a white liquid and is very fluid.
Now carefully mix together. It takes a lot of mashing and mixing to get it blend so if it goes like this don’t worry. (When mixing for hair application the brush will make this easier to do.)
Keep on mixing until you get a smooth pale white mix. It’s a bit like the texture of thin wall paper paste.
And apply to your inner arm or behind your ear with a cotton bud. You only need the size of a 10p.
If you have mixture left over you may want to do a hair strand test. I didn’t.
It took a few minutes for the mixture to start working as my arm was cool to the touch. After 5-10 minutes the area had darkened, showing the chemicals are working.
As in the instructions I had left my arm ‘uncovered and undisturbed’ for 45 minutes and rinsed off the hair dye on my arm.
The instructions for the patch test and I liked the photos showing how to apply the hair dye after doing the patch test. The smell was ok. The Special Cautions list is full and extensive.
I’ll update after 48 hours.
And we’re back after 48 hours and
clear skin. There is a very, very faint outline still of where I applied the hair dye but that is it.
I liked the instructions and really took no time at all to do.